The way you play with words and create sentences inspires me and makes me feel so deeply. Always so grateful for your poetry. 🥲

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What a lovely comment to read. Thanks so much Jennae!

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Such a beautiful read!

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Thanks so much Amanda!

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Worry is a killer, and many times we have unnecessary worries. A calm existence is precious for it gives us peace.

You have many lines in this of which I could say much, but it would take so much space and time that I will pass. Good read!

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'he believes our hearts into lifting

into loving

again and again'

Love these lines. How someone else's belief allows us to believe in ourselves.

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That's it Treasa! And what beautiful soothe and encouragement it is.

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so beautiful ahhh! the trees hold my hand too! This is a hot-chocolate poem, that means to say it feels so good, so warm, so tasty

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Thank you Mohika, hadn't heard of a hot chocolate poem before!

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Wow, this is stunning! I love the journey it goes on and the way in which it expresses the feeling and then explores it more with example. Great writing!

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(Is it though... ?) I'm on that journey too. Thanks David!

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Jul 23Liked by The Sea in Me

Beautiful poem.

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Thanks Harun!

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"tell me that thing again— that you love me

every which way you do"

Yes, presence and love. ❤️

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Thanks @Sarah Howard Lapine this presence thing, in us and in others. It seems to do so much.

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Absolutely. And some days it's so much harder to stay there. Always trying to remember.

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Yes, comes and goes, as we remember and forget. Definitely easier some days!!

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Jul 23Liked by The Sea in Me

Beautiful reading!

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Appreciate you saying this Wren. Had to try and find a quiet spot on our camp holiday in France!

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Beautiful. «Don’t mess with Texas»! Or in this case do — with love!

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Thanks Jonathan, ‘don't mess with the Texas’, I like that. It's quite the place. You might have even inspired me to share this with my 92 old uncle.

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Great poem! Thank you for sharing. I grew up on all those same songs. I grew up on that “worry” as well. It’s always a journey to say goodbye to it. Bless you! Keep writing. We need you. 🙏❤️

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Thanks for this encouragement Jamie!

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